Day Trips > Past Events
King County Radio Communications Services (Squak Mountain) 6/19/2021 9AM
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This is a discover pass parking lot but I think it's another free weekend according to Laura.
Looks like another East Tiger Kind of walk but with a road that is a little more beat up.
Google maps has footage of the road to the site taken via a bicycle o.0
here is the route I'm taking,-122.0576506,15z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x549066806e407c8b:0xa8623aa9ec13deb2!2m2!1d-122.0539913!2d47.4816834!1m5!1m1!1s0x549065c1b0022255:0x64c4380a7d1497bb!2m2!1d-122.0474709!2d47.5042706!3e2
Directions to the parking lot
not sure about POTA since we will be on a different peek
for SOTA i think it's KG-122
Weather says 73° Mostly Sunny
So plan accordingly bring food and water
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