Day Trips > Past Events

4 month fitness review :) 9/18/2021 9am someplace

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--- Quote from: K9JEB on September 12, 2021, 04:18:34 PM ---The day is open, but I am not sure my knees can handle this hike... on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is walking up the street, what rating is this one (including difficulty to get to trailhead)...

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I think I read it's about a 25 on your scale. but the pain is going to be worth the view. if the clouds don't hang around.
I'll be stopping a lot if my body is still acting they way it did Saturday. I literally was laying on the side of the trail.  :-X

Posting this link here so I can grab it later. I plan to drive and park at the Heather Lake trailhead, and will need a lift the rest of the way. Cheers,-121.7853592,2538m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x549ab59737b7c603:0xccedd882fc632c64!8m2!3d48.0828422!4d-121.773847

I'll be in the Sno-Valley area taking my son Pheasant hunting with hunting dogs and our friend who is a dog handler and trainer.  Sat / Sunday 8AM to 10AM and followup stuff after.  If anyone wants to read about the events available:


Site Master:

--- Quote from: brazilianguy on September 13, 2021, 03:48:11 PM ---Posting this link here so I can grab it later. I plan to drive and park at the Heather Lake trailhead, and will need a lift the rest of the way. Cheers,-121.7853592,2538m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x549ab59737b7c603:0xccedd882fc632c64!8m2!3d48.0828422!4d-121.773847

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That's a lot closer then the P&R Laura found.
Should we make that the 10am meeting spot?

I think we should meet at 9am not 10am as Ron suggested.


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